Smoky Lake Region
Naturally Inviting
The Regional Community Development Committee (RCDC) is an economic development committee composed of Smoky Lake County, the Town of Smoky Lake and the Village of Vilna.
Regional Community Development Committee
RCDC is guided by the 2007-2027 Strategic Plan created by our community.
We strive to deliver the following strategic priorities:
Improve the Region’s Economic Development Capacity
Diversify the Region’s Economy
Promote the Region
Attract New Residents to the Region
Maintain the Region’s Quality of Life
Protect the Region’s Natural and Historic Assets
The Community Economic Development Officer (CEDO) is responsible for developing, facilitating and promoting plans, projects and initiatives that contribute to the development of the Smoky Lake Region and its economy.
Our Region
Naturally Inviting
Smoky Lake Region is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before. We work on many exciting projects
to help improve the lives of others, and are very proud of the progress we continue to make.
Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.
Business Support
Start, Grow, Succeed.
Our business support system drives economic development in the Region. From small business coaching and advice, to networking for financial and other resources, we're here to help you with your business, your way.
Camping, Trails, Adventures.
Naturally inviting, Smoky Lake Region's campsites, trails and other adventures are waiting for you.
Fairs, Tournaments, Food.
We'd love to see you - when we are able to. For now, know that we're planning great events for as soon as you can come see us. In the meantime, keep your stick on the ice, we're all in this together (Red Green)
Contact Smoky Lake Region
P.O. Box 310
4612 McDougall Drive,
Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0